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Hooks reference

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Hooks are methods of the Plugin class, they are executed in parts of the Castopod codebase.


HooksExecutes in
rssBeforeChannelRSS Feed
rssAfterChannelRSS Feed
rssBeforeItemRSS Feed
rssAfterItemRSS Feed


This hook is executed just before rendering the <channel> tag in the Podcast RSS feed using the given Podcast object.

Here is a good place to alter the Podcast object.

public function rssBeforeChannel(Podcast $podcast): void
// …


This hook is executed after rendering all of the <channel> tags in the Podcast RSS feed.

Here is a good place to add new tags to the generated channel.

public function rssAfterChannel(Podcast $podcast, RssFeed $channel): void
// …


This hook is executed before rendering an <item> tag in the Podcast RSS feed using the given Episode object.

Here is a good place to alter the Episode object.

public function rssBeforeItem(Episode $episode): void
// …


This hook is executed after rendering an <item>’s tags in the Podcast RSS feed.

Here is a good place to add new tags to the generated item.

public function rssAfterItem(Epsiode $episode, RssFeed $item): void
// …

This hook is executed in the public pages’ <head> tag.

This is a good place to add meta tags, custom styles, and third-party scripts to Castopod’s public pages.

public function siteHead(HtmlHead $head): void
// …